Tradition and experience for best Quality
The famliy company Paulsen was founded in 1909 in Otterndorf at the lower Elbe between Cuxhaven und Hamburg.
It has specialized on the production of hearty mild tasting sour preserves and has been a trusted brand for many years. The use of granulated sugar and the lack of preservatives exactly meets the requirements and the taste of a wide range of customers.
In our medium-sized cannery it goes without saying that satisfying our clients’ requests and requirements is our number one priority.
Crunchy gherkins, delicately seasoned red cabbage, fresh sourcrout, mild and sour beetroots, various salads, mixed pickles as well as naturally cloudy salt-dill gherkins and specialities like salted string beans, relish, chopped
onions are made with the best ingredients and are carefully processed. The quality of our products convinces our clients on a daily basis.